with Mera-san, a good friend of mine、、
and a group of my cheerful friends, all of us~...
we had a dinner together☆↑↑ (*´∇`)
Although we planned to go eat some herbal hot pot......
But somehow our plan changed (lol)...
and ended up eating Thai food!!↑↑
This is what we do so often, don't we~ we bursted into laughters as we said that↑↑(´∀`*)
But above anything...
to have a meal together with everyone like this...
the food taste hundreds times, no, it taste so much much much more delicious!↑↑
The menu that a lot of us ordered today☆
Tom Yum noodle↓↓ (**Tom Yum - Thai famous dish that's very hot and spicy ...of course I know because I'm Thai!! lol)

And before I came back home, MeraMera-san...
gave me a bottle of a very special honey☆
↓↓Ta daa↓↓

(S)he said, "Since you're in the middle of a concert tour, remember to take care of your throat!" 。。
I was so happy...(ρ_;)
His warm concideration really hit my heart。。
So many people are cheering for me in my everyday......
I"m so grateful。。
Today, thank you once again (*’-’*)
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