Okay, tonight I'm going to、、
answer to the comments about "Chevra" that I had posted about previously!
and others...
This is a questions that I got from so many people.
Q: Really, who is this doll!?
Let me answer this (^_^)/
A: This doll is a character from a Russia anime
He's so〜〜〜 cute.
In Russian, the word "Chevrashuka" means
"a person who often fall down unexpectedly"
That is because he can fall down and got unconcious no matter where he is..
...that's what how I heard of him (^w^)
This Chevrashuka has a very cute meaning...
Let's fall in love with himmm〜〜〜(ノ><)ノ
on to the next question、、
Chevra doesn't have underwear, you know.
...Chevra.........Che......vra.........bra......... (**in Japanese the way the wrote "vra" is exactly the same as "bra")
He does have!!!
Everyone, thank you so much for your comments of love.
From now on, please continue to comment more and more!
I'll be waiting for them☆
Okay, the live concert at Niigata is tomorrow!!
Should I go to sleep early〜☆
love nachimi...